Dreamland Outscores Rivals in Hosting Survey

We are happy, that a survey conducted by the online magazine Hypergrid Business clearly shows, that we are the leading OpenSim hosting provider in the categories stability, performance, support and interface.
"Dreamland Metaverse, the oldest of the OpenSim hosting providers, score the highest in each category, including a perfect score for support."
"Dreamland also came out on top on another score — a full 100 percent of its customers say they would 'absolutely recommend' it to others."
“We have been with Dreamland Metaverse for almost five years and cannot praise them highly enough for support stability and overall experience. We have had excellent advice and help with almost immediate response and would recommend them to all without hesitation.”
“Best out there. Incredible service and support. You get what you pay for.”
“Dreamland Metaverse is truly an excellent service provider — we get the buck for the price.”
“Snoopy has been exceptional in addressing client concerns and issues. I would highly recommend Snoopy’s hosting services to anyone who is willing to get involved in the metaverse business.”
We thank all our customers for their constructive feedbacks over the years, that helped us to permanently improve our services.