Grid Integration - Statistics Frame

We provide an interface that allows you to display statistics about your OpenSim grid or standalone OpenSim region on your own web site. Simply add the following HTML code to your web page:
<p><iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="600" frameborder="0" src="http://<domain name>/<id>/grid_stats.php" name="grid_stats"></iframe></p>
Optionally you can customize the look of the statistics table, by adding a Format parameter. The Format parameter is a string of 2 character codes, that specifies what to show and in which order:
- "s-" Grid Status
- "r-" Total Regions
- "a-" Total Assets
- "u-" Total Users
- "um" Registered Users (last 30 days)
- "uw" Registered Users (last 7 days)
- "l-" Active Users
- "lm" Active Users (last 30 days)
- "lw" Active Users (last 7 days)
- "o-" Users Online
The default Format string is "o-r-lmu-", showing the users online, total regions, active users (last 30 days) and total users.
As example you can show all statistics and the status embedding this code into one of your web pages:
<p><iframe width="100%" scrolling="no" height="600" frameborder="0" src="http://<domain name>/<id>/grid_stats.php?Format=r-a-u-umuwl-lmlwo-&Status=ONLINE" name="grid_stats"></iframe></p>
If you use the Grid Status feature, the additional parameter Status can be set to "ONLINE" or "OFFLINE". This text will be shown in green for "ONLINE" or in red color for "OFFLINE".
If you have questions using this feature, please contact us.